Fraudulent Vehicle Sales

You are not alone if you’ve been taken advantage of when buying a used or even brand new vehicle from a dealer it even happened to me back in high school. Under Iowa law, there are certain things that must be reported to purchasers when buying vehicles with preexisting issues or that has been rebuilt after an accident. Often times vehicle sellers don’t do this, simply because they know they can get away with it and make a quick buck off of consumers who don’t understand their rights. New vehicles on the market have to meet certain requirements, as well as back up any claims the company or dealer makes regarding these vehicles before their factory warranty runs out.

At the Consumer Law Office, LLC, Attorney Tye A. Reiman will fight back for you against these bad actors to potentially get you out of your unjust contracts, and collect repayment for any repairs or other expenses caused by their failure to disclose or failure to fulfill their promises for the vehicle when they sold it to you.

Our services are offered exclusively to Iowa consumers. If you live outside the state of Iowa and are facing similar issues, please follow this link to the National Association of Consumer Advocates to find an attorney who can assist you in your state.

Submit your information below, call us at 515-329-6603, or email Attorney Tye A. Reiman directly at for a free case consultation to see if Tye can assist you.

Disclaimer: This website is an Iowa public resource of general information that is intended, but that Tye A. Reiman and this firm make no promise or guarantee, to be correct, complete, and up-to-date. This website is not intended to be a source of advertising, solicitation, or legal advice, thus the reader should not consider this information, to be an invitation for an attorney-client relationship, should not rely on the information provided herein, and should always seek the advice of competent counsel in the reader’s state. The owner of this website is a law firm consisting of an attorney licensed solely in Iowa and thus will not provide advice to out of state clients outside of referral to the NACA website. Furthermore, the owner of this website does not guarantee to represent or provide consultation to anyone desiring representation based upon viewing this website, submitting their information, or anything other than the receipt of a signed fee agreement by the attorney. The owner of this site will do their best to accommodate lowan cases that they believe will be successful, but makes no guarantees due to the nuanced and everchanging nature of the law. The hiring of a lawyer is an important decision that should not be based solely upon advertisements, news stories, or website information.